Saturday, July 26, 2008

Rae: Answer to Abby and Fantasy Read

I heartily recommend Japanland and Confucius Lives Next Door. They were probably the best reads about the culture. I read one before I left and one when I got I think they are pretty spot on.

Bill loved Eragon the book and didn't like the movie at all. Duran didn't like the book but loved the movie. Guess there's no accounting for taste? Bill has also read Eldest and we are eagerly awaiting the last leg of the trilogy due out in September. I already have it ordered on Amazon.

I think I will try my hand at The Golden Compass for my fantasy read. It is listed as a fantasy rather than science fiction so I think that fits the bill. I was intrigued with all the controversy surrounding the movie. I am often drawn to the banned books and find that, more often than not, all the hubbub is silly. This series is supposed to be really anti-Catholic and anti-morals.

I don't regularly read in either of these genres (although I have read a lot of them over the years) so I will have to take a trip to the liberry and see if I can find a sci-fi book that catches my eye. Bill wants to read Dune but I have seen enough of the movies that I don't think it's up my alley. I might have to pick Duran's brain too as he loves sci-fi. I'm excited to be reading something different!

I recently bought a non-resident card at Spanish Fork library because the Payson one is just too small. Spanish Fork's is a bit bigger...and the fee was cheaper than the $100 that Provo wanted. SP was only $25 a year. Much better and not as long a drive.

Happy reading!