Saturday, July 26, 2008

Abby: July, August & September Reads

I think I've already mentioned that sometimes I don't pick a book for the month because I can't think of anything quickly. It's not a very good reason at all. But that's what has kept me from reading in our topic for July. If I think of something before the month is up, I'll give it a try!

August & September will be easy for me because I love science fiction and fantasy and already have two books in mind. For fantasy I'm going to read Eragon. I have heard many good things about the book. From what I hear, the movie is nothing like the book which is promising. I thought the movie was pretty lame. (That was a first for me - watching a movie before having read the book!) For science fiction I'm going to read something by Isaac Asimov. Eric is reading Asimov's Foundation Series in chronological order right now and loving it. From the bits and pieces he's mentioned, I think I will too. I read The Positronic Man not too long ago and enjoyed it. So for science fiction, I'll probably start with the first of the Foundation Series (not from the main trilogy, but from the whole series). I think that would be Caves of Steel.

If any of you are stumped on fantasy or fiction, feel free to ask me! :) I know you'll have great suggestions too, Rae, you're just awesome that way! Just off the top of my head, here are some of the fantasy/sci-fi I've loved reading: Inkheart (Cornelia Funke), A Wrinkle in Time (Madeleine L'Engle), The Dark is Rising Series (Susan Cooper), Artemis Fowl Series (Eoin Colfer), Dragonsong (Anne MaCaffrey(sp?)), The Wheel of Time series (Robert Jordan), The Positronic Man (Isaac Asimov), Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy (Douglas Adams), The Host (Stephenie Meyer), The Sisters Grimm: Fairy Tale Detectives, Ella Enchanted (Gail Carson Levine), and Beauty (Gail Carson Levine). Of these, I think only The Positronic Man, Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy, and The Host are true sci-fi although A Wrinkle in Time and Dragonsong have several sci-fi elements. Like Rae said, there's definitely some cross-over.

Oh, and speaking of science fiction - Lynness, I finally read The Host by Stephenie Meyer and loved it. Has anyone else in the family read it?

Rae, I'm intrigued by your list of Japanese culture reading. I think I'm going to go look up several of those! It'll be good to read some of that after the time I had there last summer.