Thursday, July 31, 2008

Lynness: loving my neighbor as myself

Thinking back on BYU, I always wished there were MORE
black/Asian/Indian students, because I was used to that. It bugs me
that I feel the way I do as well, which is probably why I had such a
response to unload on everyone. But, as I said, hopefully I'm not
passing it on (as much) to my kids. I have been 'hyper-alert' to my
interactions with black people lately: I know I don't choose a white
checker's line at the store over a black checker's line or anything like
that (I choose the one that looks like it will go the fastest, which
somehow usually ends up being the longest one half the time), and when
we went for a walk the other evening in our neighborhood, it was all
black people we waved at and spoke to.
Rae, I think you kit the nail on the head when you said "I want so
much to love them. But I often don't." and how we just wish 'they'
would be more like 'us'. We all think that everything would be so much
easier if everyone were more like ourselves (not just races, but
genders, backgrounds, etc...). Perhaps this is WHY there are different
races: because we need to go through this process of becoming people
with no more '-ites' to love as the Savior does and to become like Him.