Sunday, April 6, 2008

Liz on poetry


I've discovered lately how much creating poetry is an outlet for me. I hope all of you have certain outlets that fulfill you as much. I woke up yesterday and had a poem in mind seconds later, and I wrote it down quickly while I was in my closet. I also came up with one in the shower today. Over the last few days I have made up several. I've emailed a lot of them to Mom, Dad, and my sisters, but I will post one here that I came up with this evening. Earlier today, the boys & I were laughing really hard about some limericks with a stinky smell as the subject. I know, it's very silly and boyish, but it feels so healthy sometimes to just be silly . . . with my boys, too. And you all know boys. :)

Well, on second thought, I'm going to post a "stinky" poem, as well as the other "set of limericks" that I wrote this evening:

Somebody had a bad stink,
But who it was we couldn't think.
The smell was quite brazen,
Like a bad rotten raisin,
Til Mom washed the babe in the sink!

Allen Blake and the Chocolate Cake

Ever since Allen Blake's youth,
He's had one very sweet tooth.
He loves to eat sweets
And all sorts of treats
We all do, to tell you the truth.

When we couldn't find Allen Blake,
Or locate the chocolate cake,
We found them both later
In the 'frigerator!
Then he knew he'd made a mistake!

You see, without cake, we were sad!
Some of us even got mad.
But we soon forgave him
And reached in to save him.
After all, Allen Blake is our dad.

It made me laugh all over again to type these!

I think about all of you often!
I love all of you, and hope you enjoyed Conference weekend. Love,