Sunday, April 6, 2008

Abby: My April Read & Poetry

It's been fun to look through the Newbery Award Winners looking for something to read this month. So many of these books bring back memories. And it's interesting to note the difference in the types of books nominated over the years.

For this month, I've decided to read The Wheel on the School by Meindert DeJong which won the Newbery Award in 1955. I don't know anything about but seem to remember hearing something that made me remember I want to read it.

I didn't read a whole lot for March's poetry, but I did revisit some fun Ogden Nash poems. And over the last couple of days I've been enjoying emails from Liz with funny poems and limericks. Liz, you should post some here.

In the spirit of poetry, but not really the same...I wanted to share something I think about quite often. One year in primary, Mom & Dad taught one of the classes and did a sharing time where they told a story to help us remember the order of the Apostles by seniority. I can't remember all of it. Based on what I can remember, I've recreated it for you adding things when I couldn't remember what should've been there. It went something like this and included pictures on a poster board:

The Hunter Hinckley got caught in a monsoon. He packed a feast of pears and slid down a hat. (And this next part comes out of nowhere because I can't remember the connection between the two.) Max fell into a well and started singing a ballad. Then he tossed a rope around some nails in an oak and began to climb. His brother Wirthlin called down, "Hurry up! Great Scott! It's starting to hail!"

Mom, do you remember how it really went?

Since then, I've tried several times to come up with stories to help me remember all the Apostles. I haven't been very successful but as I've been plugging away at it, the names have stuck in my mind anyway. And it's always fun to try.

For quite some time I've remembered them by simply saying, "Packer and Perry hate Maxwell. Nails in oaks. Ballard. Worthless Scott hails Holland's eye-ring." Not very poetic...not very nice...but it was working.

So with all the recent changes, I set to work again. Here's what I came up with. I'd love to hear what you can come up with too! This is still not as good as the one Mom & Dad made for primary.
Dearest Auntie,
I've moved because I got a new job! The packers will send everything tomorrow. Now I am only two hours from you and my beloved Perry (Paris). I even got to bring my tabby Nelson along! I arrived yesterday and took a walk among the oaks along the river. It was beautiful! While I was out, I met the most charming man. His name is Ballard. He owns a business and would you believe it's worth a million?! And you know the company - SCOTT tissue! He hails from Holland and is so funny. He's kind of klutzy so he wears an eye-ring (pince-nez) to keep him from tripping and calling out, "Oock!" "Dorf!"
Anyway, I have to go to Bed now. I'll tell you more when I come cook from you next Sunday!
D. Christofferson