Sunday, January 31, 2010

Raehink: I could go...

...on a tear with this assignment! I was having a hard time sleeping last night and began to think of favorite books I read as a teen. Wow. I think I will just head over to the library tomorrow and pull a whole bunch off the shelf. They shouldn't take near as long to read now, right? I may even read some Nancy Drew!

I heartily approve of Eric joining us. I have been in two book groups that included men. They didn't always read what we ladies read, but when they did, their perspective was fresh and interesting. The Good Earth and Follow the River are two titles that come to mind. We needed the male perspective on those reads.

I have FINISHED all the books needed for my teen immigrant experience project. Now to write the paper! Then. I. Am. Done. Finis. Complete.

Then on to Statistics...three more classes and a capstone, ladies.

Happy reading!