Saturday, January 30, 2010

Abby: February reading assignment

Rae, I love the idea for our February reading choice. I was immediately able to think of a book that would meet the assignment and I'm excited. The longer it takes me to choose a book, the less likely I am to pick one for the month.

When I read Eric the assignment, he said he wants to be part of our book club. :) Isn't it funny that we haven't had any of the guys contribute? Have we ever discussed that? He's mulling over what he would re-read from his teen years.

I will be reading Tamora Pierce's series about a girl named Alanna, beginning with Alanna: The First Adventure. There are four books and I don't know how many I'll get to, but I'm really curious to see what I'll think of them now. I loved them as a teen.