Sunday, January 17, 2010

Lynness: January Reading

Ok, I finished Freakonomics, got about halfway through Midnight's Children before I had to return it.  (I checked out about 5 books at once and read that one last.  Turns out I should've read it first b/c I couldn't renew it b/c someone else had a hold on it after me.  I have put it on hold again to finish it.)  I also read The Zookeepers Wife, about the Warsaw Zoo and its directors in German-occupied Poland.  It's interesting, but doesn't seem well organized.  Some of the sentences and paragraphs seem almost like they were pasted in the wrong place by accident.  I read some of Jorge Luis Borges' short stories (kind of trippy...) and the book I am reading for the actual assignment is Redwall.  My sister gave it to me a couple of years ago and I haven't read it yet.  So far I'm having trouble getting into it, but I am going to keep on until I'm a little further in, at least.  Has anyone tried that one?  I have to tell you, I have absolutely no patience for The Wind and the Willows.  Maybe it's the fact that this is all animals, too.