Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Abby: Yes, definitely

Well even though Rae will be busy in her new calling, I'd love it if we all still stop in here when we can to share what we've been reading. :) I'm with Lulu.

I just started Catching Fire (Suzanne Collins) last night and am restraining myself from losing myself completely in the book! Hunger Games is the first book if you're interested in these.

Lulu, I would love to borrow The Graveyard Book when I come visit you soon (especially since I already read the first chapter while I was at your house...tee hee).

Oh! I am also reading Eat This, Not That: Supermarket Survival Guide (talks about the ingredients of several popular brands and goes on to explain what the ingredients do and why you should "eat this" (i.e. "Smart Balance") and "not that" (i.e. "I Can't Believe It's Not Butter") and You Are What You Eat. (This is from BBC America's Dr. Gillian McKeith who hosts the show of the same name.)

I've also started and am slowly working my way through:
Young Bucks by Troy Dunn (about teaching kids to earn money and manage it)
Running With Angels by Pamela Hansen (about losing weight, battling depression, and running a marathon)

And sitting on my shelf, waiting its turn:
In Defense of Food
Eat This, Not That: For Kids

What is everyone else reading? And have any of you read the books I'm reading? Hope you're all doing well in your own busy things. :) I know I am!