Monday, October 27, 2008

Rae: Booky comments

It's so wonderful to hear what y'all are reading!

Abby, I have tried to like Orson Scott Card, but have had a real difficult time finding stuff of his I really enjoy. I haven't read Ender's Game, but I know the junior high kids at the library couldn't get enough of that series. I did enjoy the Seventh Son series, but didn't finish it...I think I read the first four or five. I thought it was quite creative. I read Songmaster and a set of his short stories for a book club and hated it. So, I've pretty much given up on Card. Oh, and I also liked his Lost Boys, but it's kind of a downer.

Bill inhaled the Brisingr book. I also gave a copy to Curt for his birthday. Don't know if he has finished it yet. I haven't read any of them, but am glad that the story is absorbing enough to keep a teenage boy reading! He and I read Inkheart as well. I thought that book started out so well and had so much potential. Unfortunately, I didn't think the author kept it up to the end. I lost interest and never read the others in the series.

For what it's worth, I love Gerald Lund's early books. I like his church history series too, but got tired of the characters and drifted off into actual accounts of the early saints. I haven't read his New Testament series for the same reason. I prefer reading the Bible. But he does write well.

Liz and Lynness: Beccy and I absolutely LOVED These Is My Words, also. There is a sequel, which Beccy has read and I have not. But she liked it too...just not as much. Perhaps I can get her to post about the sequel. I thought Words was so well written. I almost forgot that what I was reading was fiction, since the author made it seem just like a real journal. I recommend that book to anyone looking for an uplifting novel. I'm so glad you took the time to read it! And Lynness, your precious time would be greatly rewarded with will just make you feel good.

Happy reading! And thanks for posting...