Monday, October 27, 2008

Lynness- November read

I am planning on 2 reads- a famous person and an unfamiliar one. Just
to broaden myself and see who I find. I am considering reading
something on Joan of Arc, since a quote I heard recently regarding her
bent my mind that way. I don't know if our library has anything good on
her, though. We'll see. As for the unfamiliar one, I will try "These
is my words"- our RS book club read that this month and so I was
already somewhat interested (I don't go the the RS book club- I don't
have enough free evenings as it is...) and then w/ Liz recommending it,
I thought I should go for it. Our library doesn't have it, but I can
probably borrow from someone in the book club. If not, maybe I'll try
another pioneer journal.

Abby- I recommend you finish the Ender series: the other 3 books have a
COMPLETELY different feel. Almost like a different author. I enjoyed
Ender's Game in a way, but liked the rest better. I have not read any
of the Ender's shadow, etc. Anyone?
I had previously read Eragon and Eldest and thought they were okay,
though they felt like they slowed down or just got too bulky, but have
no real compulsion to read Brisingr, although if I have a hunk of time
any time soon (..right....), maybe I will.