Friday, March 19, 2010

QAIT: Making Time to Read

I mentioned some time back how I love to read and can hardly help myself some days; Michael's sister said she's just got far too much to do to fit reading in.

I think I could say the same thing! I mean, my time is measured very differently since I'm not in school or holding a [paying] job (as in, other than Mommy). But I love books! And they're so necessary to me! I know not everyone has to feel like that, but I get hungry for stories and knowledge and new ideas, and reading feeds me so satisfyingly! It's comparable to the satisfaction of creating something even, like when I doodle or play the harp. Does that make sense? I don't know how that works.
My laundry still gets done, and I really don't neglect Ender. Or Michael. But whether I mean to make time to read or not, I do it!

PS: Once in a while, it's frustrating to read because now that I'm a mom, I'm practically incapable of shutting off the world when I tuck my nose in a book. And I'm a slow reader (I tend to actually say the words in my mind--with the right voice and everything--and if the book says "they paused a moment" sometimes I can't help but pause a moment)! I used to be able to focus so well, and now I feel like every sentence I read is infused with the sounds of whatever Ender's doing, anything Michael says, the goings-on of the family--I've got a Mom-Antenna tuned for any calls to duty! :)