Friday, August 24, 2007

At least I'm reading something, right?

I have to confess that I have been avoiding the library lately. I hope you are not ashamed of me! I have had a hard time returning books on time, finding checked out children's books around my house, finding time to even go, etc. I even had a really big fine recently because of some DVD's I kept too long. So I didn't check out anything for August but I have in mind to read that book Abby used to teach Autumn to read, by Seigfried Engelman. (I guess I just need to get in the habit of renewing online . . .)
I also am reading the Harry Potter books again, although unlike Lulu I did read #7 first. I liked Rae's comments on that and agree that I would have been upset had it ended differently. I was very happy with the ending. I like discovering new details as I re-read. I can and can't believe how much I missed in the first readings! :)
I sort of wish I had more to write, but today I am "burning the candle at both ends" just to get my laundry and dishes done, so I am going to bed! I enjoy you all and all you say. Thanks!