Thursday, April 29, 2010

Raehink: May Reading

I'm going to make our May assignment really easy. It will be the same topic that our RS book group is tackling--read a gardening or food book. It can be fiction or non, your choice. You choose the parameters. Have fun with this one. We are heading into that time of year when we get to plant gardens and eat summer foods. So prepare and enjoy!

Lynness - re Lonesome Dove. I felt like you did at first until I went back and read McMurtry's entire "series" of books starring Gus and Woodrow. Now they are my buddies. I love the characters Larry created and even sometimes dream about them. They become almost like real people when you know their early years as well as their later ones. But, I agree, the books are a definite investment of your time...

Happy reading!