Monday, June 6, 2011

Raehink: Coincidental Commonalities

Not only are many of us serving in Relief Society, but I have/am also been reading much of what Lynness has been reading. I love it when that happens. Nothing wrong with being a nerd at all!

I discovered Connie Willis a few years ago and just checked out Blackout from the Provo Library. I absolutely LOVED the Henrietta Lacks book. I think EVERYONE should read it. Great stuff! I've also dipped into The Disappearing Spoon (got distracted with other things and left it by my bed) and have read Napoleon's Buttons too.

I recently finished The Warmth of Other Suns and In The Garden of Beasts -- both historical nonfiction worth anyone's time.

Lynness, do you know about Goodreads? Most of us have signed up for it and it seems to be a great way to keep track of reading as well as a way to get ideas for new books. I love knowing what everyone is reading.

My summer will be busy. Relief Society. Working at Santaquin Library. Finishing the last 3 classes for my Bachelor's. New grandson. Walking to lose ten pounds. Finding a job for Ivan and Bill. And whatever else life throws my way!