Friday, March 25, 2011

Finally a Book In Hand

Well I have had the past 2 weeks out of school, and the first thing I did was pick up a book! I started and completed 'B is for Burglar' by Sue Grafton. I enjoy her character Kinsey Millhone, and the slight murder mystery. I also like that fact that they are easy reads which help me get back into the swing of reading the way I truly desire to read!
I started 'Eat, Pray, Love' by Elizabeth Gilbert, which so far I am really enjoying! I am reading this by Audio and I am really enjoying the narration! I know that there has been huge hype over the book, and the movie, but I just thought it would be interesting.
This one might sound crazy but I also read '101 Fat-Burning Workouts & Diet Strategies' Its published by Muscle & Fitness and it is geared toward men, but they have workouts for all stages of athleticism. I found it at the library and was very interested.

I have some other books lined up to read:
The Good Earth
Alice In Wonderland
and the one I am most excited to read at this point is 'Cooking in Other Women's Kitchens, domestic workers in the south, 1865-1960' by Rebecca Sharpless

1 Comment:

Qait said...

That cooking one sounds really interesting to me, too!
I loved The Good Earth, but sometimes I felt like it was a chore to plow through (I was about 13 when I read it, could be why).
And I liked Alice in Wonderland pretty well, it's worth the read (there's a reason it's a classic).