Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Lulu: My read, and then some

Lynness--I have a good friend reading Pride and Prejudice and Zombies. She said she got bored. That's all I know about that book! :)

For my October read, I read something suspenseful and definitely scary at times--The Hunger Games. I loved it. What an interesting plot; what straightforward but sometimes quite elegant (is that the word I want?) writing; what suspense! I will read Catching Fire (the 2nd in the series) as soon as I am done with what I am reading now.

And what I am reading right now is a book called Icy Sparks. It's about a girl living in rural Kentucky in the 50's--and she has Tourette's Syndrome. This is before it was "discovered", before any treatment for it was known. You can imagine that she was something of an outcast. But brilliant, sensitive, and desperate to do good and choose righteously. I would absolutely recommend it--but with something of a warning about language. Her episodes often contain cussing. But I felt it fit with the story, and that the author didn't abuse the opportunity to fill a book with swear words. I am loving this book. It has made me cry and laugh incredibly hard and loud.

Mom--Savanna sits still when I read her The Hungry Caterpillar. Thank you for sending that; she likes it a lot.

We went to the library on Saturday and found a couple of gems--Oh, Ducky! A Chocolate Calamity (by David Slonim) and While Mama Had a Quick Little Chat (my favorite of the two, by Amy Reichert).

Abby--I would say to maybe wait on HP, if you want to read them all straight through when you are reading them aloud to the girls. As you know, Reed is highly imaginative, which didn't serve him well with the first HP, which we chose not to finish--it just scared him too much. Maybe your girls will be totally different? Anyway, that's my 2 cents. 5 cents. :) Maybe Autumn is too young, but what about A Wrinkle in Time? Or Lyddie? Or A Little Princess? Or Nancy Drew?