Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Lulu: Emma & Reed's reads

I don't know why, but trying to read Emma this month was painfully slow for me. I felt like I was wading in words, and sometimes I felt like a new reader. It's been a long time since I've read Jane Austen, and I forgot how complex her sentence structure can be. I made it through the first two volumes of Emma, and then felt so frustrated that I stopped right there. Call me lazy, but I was tired of Emma's dad, and I was tired of Miss Bates, and I was tired of not being close to the ending, the outcome of which I already knew.

Ah, well. I did read one classic this month--Fahrenheit 451. (I posted about that already HERE) I feel guilty for not finishing Emma, but also annoyed that I don't want to finish it.

Reed and I finished The Wind in the Willows. We loved it, most especially Reed. Some of the language was a little sophisticated for him, but we both laughed quite a bit through the whole thing, and the general story wasn't lost to him. Our copy had beautiful illustrations, too. After we finished, I found that I didn't have anything that age-appropriate on my shelves for our next read, but decided to tide us over with just a taste of A Wrinkle in Time. I am surprised to say Reed is actually very interested! We're halfway through, and I don't yet feel like I need to put it aside. I forgot how much I love that series, so it has been fun for me to revisit. Next we have Danny, the Champion of the World.