Friday, June 12, 2009

Abby: Kids Reading

Lynness, I enjoyed reading about Isaiah and how he's grown to love a good book! I looked up the AR (accelerated reader for anyone who didn't know) level on Half Magic just wondering where he was at level-wise and I think it was a 5.2 or something. Awesome! Autumn reads anywhere from a Level 3 to Level 5. But lately that brings up an issue. She's a great reader but she's still only 7, going into 2nd grade. So the interest level is not up to the reading level. She can read fourth & fifth grade level books but some are not interesting to her while others are but go over her head on the content, the references made, the relationships within the books...know what I mean?

This is really for any of you with anything to say about this. :)

I love the AR website because it lists books based on Book Level (which is similar to Lexile rating) and Interest Level (K-3, 4-6, and 7+). SO...I'm weeding my way through a couple of gigantic 3rd and 4th grade level lists to find the LG (K-3) Interest levels thinking that'd be best. Is it?

She's in bed reading the Witches right now. Which (hah hah) is listed as a 4.7 BL and a MG (4-6) Interest Level.

I keep wanting to just let her read whatever she's interested in and in general I do. The glitch is that she doesn't really know what she's interested in. She'll read something if I suggest it. She'll find something and if she enjoys it, she'll ask for more like it. But when we go to the library, well, it must feel huge to a kid. I honestly think it overwhelms her.

So what do you guys think?