Saturday, August 30, 2008

Rae: The Golden Compass

I finished my fantasy read The Golden Compass late last night. I love Fridays and the fact that I can stay up a little later and read...when I can manage to stay awake, that is. I really enjoyed this book. It's kind of a mix between fantasy and sci-fi as it seems to be set in a world very similar to ours. The story revolves around a girl named Lyra, and it is her destiny to save the world basically...although I will have to read the other two books in the trilogy to really see how she does it. Toward the end of the book, I did notice the anti-Church and specifically anti-Catholic themes coming forth, but it really didn't bother me. I have been told that it gets much worse as I read along. I will continue to read over the next couple of months and will report back what I find. Now, I guess I will rent the movie and see how the adaptation plays.

For my science fiction pick in September, I will be reading Saucer by Stephen Coontz (?) for my other book group. I already read an Arthur C. Clarke novel called The Deep Range this month and was sorely disappointed by it. It was very believeable sci-fi but was just a bad novel. Too many plotlines with no resolution or complete abandonment of said plotlines. I found it frustrating but finished it anyway...hoping it would get better. It didn't.

I hope you are each enjoying your reads as well as the transition to fall.

Happy reading!