Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Lynness: Re: Babe

    I had never heard of Babe until my sister read it in elementary school and I thought it sounded like a stupid premise for a book.  But it really is a very endearing book- I read the whole thing and enjoyed it, and Isaiah seems captivated so far.  I didn't pick it because of its literary merits or overwhelming fondness, however- it was just because it was downstairs already and not in the kids' room where Ruth was sleeping.  But I think it's going to turn out very well!  I have never read the Wind in the Willows.  Every time I try I get bored stiff.  How do some of these books get to be classics?
    As far as a reluctant reader, I'm not sure how old Heidi is, but still being interested in having books is good.  You might try to get her interested in making her own books and reading them with her.