Saturday, March 15, 2008

Rae: Odds and Ends

Lynness: I write in almost any book I own. Mostly non-fiction. Mom taught us to. I have some books that were her brother Kay's and they are so fun to look at because he marked them all up. I also have a Bible he owned. Wow. So fun. I don't think I could read certain books without writing in them. Perhaps that's why I have difficulty with library books?

Re Dickinson: Is it because her work is deep and shallow at the same time? I have a real hard time getting much out of her stuff. Or I get depressed. I just don't care for her poetry. I must admit, though, that I have never really analyzed it thoroughly. I'll be interested to know your conclusions.

Re "the group": Even if you opt out of the subject for the month, please continue to let us know what you are currently reading. I love knowing that! Sometimes I get in a rut and just need to know what book someone else's nose is in. I have chosen to not read three fiction books I own based on what you ladies have said about them. I'm getting too old to try just I appreciate your reviews and comments.

Re Christ and books etc: It's occurred to me a lot this past week that almost every thing we do can mold and shape us in a Christlike way if we allow it to do so. And if our hearts are in the right place. Thanks Lynness for opening up the thought process. One I thought I had resolved.

I loved having Mim and Maddie here for real the last little while. I feel like I talked their ears off, but I enjoyed our conversations re books and reading and gospel stuff. I hope Maddie will join in on the group...or at least keep us posted on what she is reading. Kate would add a lot to our group too.

I own a book of poetry which includes CDs with tracks of the poets themselves reading their works. I have put that on my Ipod and have been listening as I work around the house. It's interesting to hear well-known poems read in the way the author intended. Also fun to hear what the poet's voice sounds like.

I have been informed by both of my sisters that I need to read A Tree Grows in Brooklyn. So I will be reading that along with a book called Eve's Daughters that came from my in-person book group. We just finished A Thousand Splendid Suns. Maren hosted it and she cooked a bunch of Middle Eastern food for us to try...curried lentils (yum), couscous with apples, raisins, and pine nuts, date bits rolled around soft goat cheese (so good), hummus and pita chips, and figs. I tried and like everything but the figs. I'll stick with the Newtons. But it made the book come alive. Our group is reading Michael Pollan's The Omnivore's Dillemma next month. I am currently in the middle of his book In Defense of Food. Good stuff and most thought-provoking. So...that's where I am at in the world. Where are each of you? I will post our fiction read next week for April (!).

Happy reading!