Monday, March 10, 2008

Lynness: reading- good, better, best

Here's my current burning question...
I was reading the March Ensign and thinking along the lines of drawing
nearer to Christ and Elder Oaks' "Good, Better and Best" and statements
made by people in various lessons about how everything you do either
draws you closer to Christ or further away.
I love to read. Sometimes it gets the better of me. Not that I typically
read "bad" things, but I often put aside the "best" and settle for
"good." Sometimes even "better" books are blown out of proportion- I
read, putting aside other responsibilities (seminary lesson prep,
playing with Ruth, cleaning my house- although sometimes I plead the
Mary and Martha case on that one).
So here's the question I pose to you. Obviously, some reading does draw
us closer to Christ: the scriptures, the Ensign, books like Believing
Christ, but I can't read only those. What about books like one of my
favorites, Pride and Prejudice? While I don't think it necessarily leads
me away from Christ (although it can if I allow it to impinge upon other
things too much), I don't think it really leads me to Christ either. Is
everything really one or the other? Do I really have time for things
that don't lead me to Christ? I make time, but should I be doing so? I
don't know that I can give up reading purely for fun. Sure, man is that
he might have joy, but where does true joy lie?
I don't think there is necessarily one answer, and I don't think that I
am expected to give up all pleasure reading, but maybe I am. I
know...moderation in all things, living a balanced life, etc. but what a
lot of good I could do with my time! (But would I?) Anyway...this is
kind of meandering, but I was wondering your thoughts on the topic while
I think through mine...

I'm currently rediscovering Emily Dickinson and realizing that she's not
exactly who I remembered from high school lit. More on her later. Lynness