Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Rae: "Dysfunctional" Heights

OK, I just want to know what's the matter with those Bronte sisters? They must have had way too much time on their hands and life wasn't exciting enough! I read Wuthering Heights for my romantic read. It was kind of a warped romance, however. I think during sweeps week, Jane and Mr. Rochester, Linton, Heathcliff and Catherine should do a show with Oprah and Dr. Phil. What a hoot!

Seriously, though, I really enjoyed the writing if not the story itself so much. It's sometimes refreshing to read something written during the Victorian age. The wordiness makes you think a little harder as you read and you have to keep track of all the characters as well. Fortunately, the edition I was reading had a handy-dandy geneaological chart in the front for consulting purposes.

We have been enjoying having Miriam and Maddie here in Utah for a visit. Miriam explained to Gma Hawkes what we do here on the blog and she said to pass along that she loves all of you dear readers and that if she was capable and well she would be reading right along with us!

Happy reading!