Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Enough to Creep Me Out

For October I'll read The Bodysnatcher by Robert Louis Stevenson--it's only 16 pages so I know I can do it! I'm studying to take the GRE again but if I can find enough time I also want to read The Professor and the Madman: A Tale of Murder, Insanity, and the Making of the Oxford English Dictionary, by Simon Winchester. That's one that Mother and Rae gave me some time ago.

I'm still reading Frankenstein although it's gotten so totally unbelievable (REALLY sci-fi) that it's bogging down a bit in the middle. I mean, how could the monster stay hidden in a lean-to at the back of the house for a year and learn all the beauties of the English language by watching the family in the house through a chink in the wood while listening to them converse every evening? Come on! But I still find the language fun.

I like to scare myself if it's stuff that won't be too gross and realistic. I like true crime sometimes, especially from the viewpoint of the forensic detective. As for Halloween, I can tolerate it now but only because I have grandchildren.